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2020/1/10 4:13:33发布153次查看

滚筒装置倾斜安装于机架上。 电动机经减速机与滚筒装置通过联轴器连接在一起,驱动滚筒装置绕其轴线转动。江西定制滚筒筛 耐用齿轮滚筒筛沙机 进出料口鹅卵石筛分设备 广东滚筒筛厂家当物料进入滚筒装置后,由于滚筒装置的倾斜与转动,使筛面上的物料翻转与滚动,使合格物料(筛下产品)经滚筒外圆的筛网排出,不合格的物料(筛上产品)经滚筒末端排出。由于物料在滚筒内的翻转、滚动,使卡在筛孔中的物料可被弹出,防止筛孔堵塞~
gravel gold shaftless cylindrical roller means inclined coal machine mounted on the rack. motor to the drum through a reduction coupling means are connected together by the drive roller means rotatable about its axis. custom jiangxi durable gear trommel drum sieve sand pebbles expected out screening equipment manufacturers guangdong drum sieve material into the drum when the apparatus, due to the inclination of the rotating drum means, the material turned over and the rolling surface of the screen, so that acceptable material ( undersize product) is discharged through the outer screen cylinder, conforming material (the oversize product) is discharged by the end of the drum. as the material within the drum reversing, rolling the material in the mesh of the card can be ejected, to prevent clogging of the sieve ~ rubbish trommel purposes: garbage drum sieve is mainly used for waste stale garbage comes with sizing. blade broken bags, garbage bags to be cut was, after sieving, the garbage soil. gravel and other crushed substance was separated. name sieve sand, gravel separator by screening equipment to separate the material thickness of a placer machine. is applicable to rivers, reservoirs, sunaba, coal yard trash drum sieve how it works: after crushing the garbage into the drum, on the one hand be screened as the drum rotates, centrifugal force by the rotation of the drum and jigging action to screening material. large particle size on the one hand the material flow forward along the slope of the drum, through various mesh sieve gradually screened out. preparation garbage trommel smooth operation, the internal structure is reasonable, in particular the internal structure of the core barrel, the concept design of completely, not only to protect the screen mesh size, but also to strengthen the self-cleaning action shaker novel 6 waste lime gravel screening

qq: 769672269


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